Desires are endless. The mind is constantly wriggling wrenched by one desire or other.
Swami Omkarananda, a Self-Realised Soul & a Divine Master has mastered many a spiritual practice.
Sadhana Camps or Spiritual Retreats of residential nature, of either a week’s or three day duration.
Sri Tara Ma Mission is a spiritual movement founded by Divine Mother Sri Tara Ma.
In every age and time, the Divine Super Power takes human form and lives with the common man to share joys and sufferings.
There, He served in a managerial capacity in a well known company.
To provide a field of activity conducive to selfless service, Sri Ma started the Sri Ma Group of Service Organisations.
Sri Tara Ma is the very embodiment of Prema (Divine Love).
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Discourse by Swami Omkarananda on ‘Guru Mantra’ at Prem Ashram, Thane (E)